The good old-fashioned love letter is a technique to consider adding to your I love you repertoire when you truly want to get your partner’s attention. Writing a love letter isn’t something we 21st-century folks do every day, which is part of what makes it so unique. It’s something a little out of the ordinary…unexpected…extraordinary. It’s likely that your companion will want to read it, reread it, and keep it for a long time. Love letters are quite important.

Are you puzzled as to how to form your letter? For ideas, look at the template below. Find what seems authentic and flows best in your love letter.

  •  Your reason for writing the letter

Begin by explaining why you’re writing the letter. “Just thinking of you,” for example, or “I’m so grateful you’re in my life and want to make sure you know just how fantastic you are and how much you mean to me”.

  • What you love about your partner

We suggest focusing on the distinctive qualities you admire in your loved one.

  • Your favorite memories of your partner

Reminisce with your partner about some of your best moments. These could be important occasions in your relationship, such as your first date or the day you got engaged.

  • Your partner’s impact on your life

How has your relationship assisted you in changing and growing into a better version of yourself? What do you appreciate about them?

  •  A sweet ending

You can sign off with a simple “All my love” or a longer expression of your love, commitment, and future hopes—”Every day I marvel at how fortunate I am to have discovered my soulmate”.

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