“Feminism is not about making women strong. Women are already strong. It’s about changing the way the world perceives that strength.” – G.D. Anderson


In a patriarchal society, expressing or achieving women’s worth and purpose can be difficult. Oftentimes, women’s power and strength are suppressed, hindering them from reaching their true potential. Today, women are empowered, encouraging every other woman to redefine how they see themselves by providing them a unique perspective of how they can view the world. In return, it gave them the ability and ingenuity to learn more, do more, and achieve more. 


#1 Knows Who She Is


An empowered woman chooses to focus on her true and authentic self. She knows her capabilities, qualities, life convictions and her guiding principles to affect the world. She is capable of standing her ground in any circumstances. She knows her worth and she does not settle for less than what she deserves.


#2 Knows Her Value


An empowered woman knows she is worthy of respect and equal opportunities to prosper and succeed. She knows that her value is more than what is invisible to the eye and not how society sees women. She questions and challenges the customs, norms, and laws that limit women’s ability to speak out.


#3 Lives Her Purpose


An empowered woman takes control of her life’s mission and ensures that she fulfills it. She will not only give meaning to her life by living her truth, but she will also touch the lives of others.


Becoming an empowered woman entails more than just being brave and strong; it also calls for the ability to accept vulnerability because it fosters compassion, kindness, and love. 
As a result, women empowerment builds a culture in which all voices are understood, respected, and treated equally. With this, being empowered is defined by you.


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