“The achievements of an organization are the results of the combined efforts of every individual’“

As the cliche goes “Time flies when you’re having fun”, it is certainly the case for OceanClick. It’s hard to believe that it’s been almost a year since the company started in its humble beginnings. From unpacked boxes of furniture and office equipment, to rows of desktops operated by our specialists running both day and night.

We have certainly risen up to challenges that have come our way and made changes and adapted to the changing tides. And before we knew it, eleven months have gone by and we will be celebrating our First Year Anniversary this coming August 21.

And since first year anniversaries never happen a second time around, we are making some major preparations to show appreciation to our hard-working specialist. We have already booked a venue at the gorgeous Tierra Alta Residential Resort and are looking forward to a night of feast and merry-making. And to make the evening more memorable, everyone will be decking out in their “Sunday best” in tune with the aptly themed “Fashion In The Age Of Technology”. We eagerly await to see if anyone will be driving in a space saucer boldly dressed as a member of the 1960’s animated sitcom “The Jetsons”.

Part of the evening will also be giving awards to those individuals that have made a huge impact. Awards to be given out are RockstarLeadershipBrainiac, Team Player and Innovative Champion, just to name a few. Other awards to be given out will be Video Editing WizardGraphic Design GeniusAdvertisement Savant, and Marketing Mastermind. We believe that nothing motivates an individual more than to acknowledge those who have gone above and beyond to ensure the company’s continued success.

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