Have you been putting off getting a massage for a long time? Do you wish to improve your mood and strengthen your bonds with yourself or a loved one? Massage, on the other hand, can help with that! Massage has numerous health benefits, including those that can boost your mood, connection, lessen stress and pain levels, and general pleasure. There are a lot of great reasons to have a massage for Valentine’s Day, but here are a few of our favorites! Continue reading to learn the top two reasons to have a massage on or near Valentine’s Day!
Massage releases oxytocin. Oxytocin is a social bonding hormone that produces a nurturing, feel-good sensation. The hormone is released during a massage, making you feel more connected and caring. As a result, not only will you receive a great, peaceful massage, but so will your loved ones!
Helps overall body function. Nitric oxide boosts local blood flow, allowing more nutrients and oxygen to reach your tissue and making you feel better. ACTH aids in the regulation of blood sugar, blood pressure, metabolism, and how we handle and “react” to stress, resulting in improved mood, health, and overall experience. Beta endorphin aids in the alleviation of physical discomfort.
Who wouldn’t want to unwind, relieve pain, experience love and connection, pamper themselves with their loved one or simply have a good time? The best part is that you don’t need to go to a SPA to do this!